Hospice Center Lindau am Bodensee
Deep in the Lindau-Aeschach hinterland, surrounded by apparently enchanted gardens, stands the imposing old merchant's house "Brög zum Engel". It was a stroke of luck for the visiting service of Kranke und Sterbende e. V. that in January 1996 they were able to rent the house for the long term with aid from the Peter Dornier Foundation. As a result, the hospice group founded in 1986 by Maja Dornier und Christa Popper, one of the first of its kind in Germany, had more than just a meeting place. Here, the wish for a residential facility inspired by many years of caring for the dying and their close friends and family would also be met for the future. Thereafter, the residential facility complemented the organization's outpatient work, relieved the patients' families of some of the burden, and afforded patients with no support network security and a home.
Through the Association of Patrons and Friends of the "Haus Brög zum Engel Hospice Center", founded in February 1996 with former district chief executive Klaus Henninger as its chairman, in January 1998 the house could be opened to accommodate five to six residential patients. This would not have been possible without donations from industry and private individuals, grants from the State of Bavaria and foundations, volunteering work by local individuals, particularly the Aeschach Men's Club and the enormous commitment the visiting service, which to this day provides indispensable assistance in the running of the house through voluntary work.