Dornier Claim
2024年10月14日 | 课题: 训练

DORNIER Talents Day once again attracts many interested young people

After last year's great success, the DORNIER Talents Day went into its second round. More than 150 young people and interested adults took the opportunity to find out about the wide range of training and dual study opportunities at DORNIER.

Anyone who has always wanted to find out what it's like to do an apprenticeship or dual study programme at one of the largest manufacturers of weaving machines and film production systems had the opportunity to do so last Friday (11 October). For the second time, Lindauer DORNIER organised a Talents Day - an information event about training and dual study opportunities at the international machine and plant manufacturer.

From factory tour to direct application
More than 150 young people and interested adults took the opportunity to take a tour of the plant, talk to DORNIER trainees and trainers and apply directly for an internship or apprenticeship. “We are delighted that so many talented young people once again showed such great interest in our family business,” said Martin Kaeß, Head of Technical Training at DORNIER. He is particularly pleased that some of them took the opportunity to apply directly. “We generally follow the philosophy of a streamlined application process,” says Kaeß. For example, interested candidates can also apply quickly and easily via DORNIER's social media channels.

Great interest in the new training centre
The new training centre, which is due to go into operation next year, met with particularly great interest. On an area of over 1,000 m², at least 75 trainees will complete their technical training on state-of-the-art machines and with the latest tools. “As one of the largest training companies in the region, which also provides training for other companies, it is important to us to provide our junior staff with state-of-the-art training,” explains Kaeß. The international exchange programmes, with which Lindauer DORNIER enables its trainees to spend time in the USA, South Korea or Norway were also very popular.

Activities organised by the Lindau youth fire brigade
Another highlight were the activities organised by the Lindau Youth Fire Brigade, which had been given the opportunity to present itself as part of the Talents Day. Visitors were able to enjoy the view over Lindau from the turntable ladder or experience the controlled detonation of an aerosol can. The demonstration emphasised a special offer that DORNIER makes to its trainees: anyone who is active in the voluntary fire brigade in their home town has the opportunity to register with the Lindau fire brigade in addition to the training at DORNIER - and to join in on operations. This is because Lindau's main fire station is located in the immediate vicinity of the DORNIER factory premises. “It's less than a three-minute walk,” estimates training manager Kaeß. In addition to future-proof technical training, this programme also aims to promote the social commitment of the trainees.

Chatting in a relaxed atmosphere
In the evening, many visitors to the DORNIER Talents Day took the opportunity to get together in a relaxed atmosphere with free food and drinks in the company restaurant.

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